Monday, February 20, 2006

One week in....

Well, I will have been in this country for a week starting tomorrow, so I think that is a milestone. I have already had a ton of shots and medicine and eaten a lot of things that the Peace Corps Medical Officer says that I shouldn't, so I guess that I am beginning to get used to it. I can't believe how much I have to say and how little time I have to say it in. Suffice to say, my spanish is getting better, though it is nowhere near where it should be. Also, my Dominican family is very friendly, and very welcoming, so it has been a great experience. My living conditions are "developing" as they say here, with cold bucket showers in the mornings and nights, roosters crowing all hours of the day, and mosquito nets being my most favorite posession I have. (And if you saw everything I packed, that is saying something.) Anyway, I will take some time to write more but I just wanted to give you all a short update before too much time has passed! Oh, and a new milestone today- I learned how to use the bus! I am on my way.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Oh, the terror of bureauocracy

So, today I got into Miami to meet all the new people that I am going to be training with, and I am so excited. My new roomate Lauren is really cool and we had a lot of fun being the silly ones at the meeting. The volunteers run the gamut from meek and shy to crazy and stupid, so there is a little bit of fun for every occasion. Basically it is just a lot of meetings, but there is a lot of bonding too. There is a slight discrepancy in regards to my medical paperwork, but I hope to get it all sorted out tomorrow morning. Okay, I am kind of tipsy from dinner, so I am not really capable of being eloquent, so I am going to shut up and come back to this when I have a better grip on things.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Pre-Departure Jitters

Well, I leave tomorrow morning, and I can't seem to make myself get up and finish packing. I cried for the first time this morning too, which I am sure is only the beginning of what is going to be an emotional whirlwind of a 24-hour period. Mom decided that should wouldn't be able to take me to the airport, which, though dissapointing, is understandable. After all, once she gets going, then nothing will stop me from making a huge scene at the airport. (You should have seen me at Dulles when I left for Prague. Absolutely hysterical, and not in the hilarious kind of way; however, I do think that Mike was laughing at me for making such a scene.) I just have to get onto the plane and it will be all gravy from there. Wish me luck- I will be seriously dehydrated.